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AEP Members begin industrial action in campaign to Save Services


Today (6th November) is the day that many AEP members in England and Wales begin a period of action short of strike action - as part of our campaign to Save Our Services. 

Despite our many attempts at mediation through the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), the Local Government Association (LGA) has left members with no choice but to move forward with this action.

It is so important that those of us who are able to take this action, do so - to have our voices heard and stand against the erosion of educational psychology services.

Thank you. To the thousands of you have already signed the petition, hundreds written to their MPs and hundreds of councillors have signed a pledge in support of our campaign. Please keep supporting each other.

On 15 November and 13 December, we will be taking strike action across eligible local authorities in England and Wales.

As a profession and association, we know the vital role educational psychologists play in our communities. We will Save Our Services.

Strike Day Rallies

On  Wednesday 15th November 2023, we want to invite you to our strike day rallies in both London and Cardiff, to coincide with our first day of Strike Action.

When? 10:30 AM
Where? Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ

When? 3:00 PM
Where? Welsh Parliament, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1SN GB

Let us know you'll be there by registering using the links below!


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