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AEP members vote to accept Soulbury Pay Offer


In the recent consultation, AEP members overwhelmingly voted to accept the current offer from the employers (dated 22 November 2023), with 85.5% voting to accept the pay offer.

The AEP,  in collaboration with the other Soulbury unions has now relayed this acceptance to the Local Government Association (LGA).

This decision ends the dispute with the employers, meaning that all industrial action ends. Members will not go out on strike as originally planned this Wednesday. 

Soulbury unions are now seeking implementation of the offer, and payment of appropriate back pay for members as soon as possible.

The latest offer still does not nearly redress the years of below-inflation pay increases for EPs and the AEP will persist in the campaign to Save our Services and ensure better investment in EP services and training to ensure the future of quality EP services for children, young people and communities who need them.



"I would like to thank you all once again for your action, solidarity and commitment to saving our services. In the context of extreme squeezes on local authority budgets, your support has been vital in securing an improved offer for EPs."

Cath Lowther - General Secretary of the AEP


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