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AEP Guidance: Payscales - Soulbury and Non-Soulbury
Most EPs employed in Local Authorities are employed on Soulbury Terms and Conditions, which includes the nationally agreed payscales. These are not statutory, but have been developed over many years of consultation and negotiation by the Soulbury Committee which is made up of the Local Government Association and the recognised Soulbury Trade Unions. The AEP is a member of the Soulbury Committee along with National Education Union and Prospect. The full agreement can be found on the AEP website Soulbury Report. For AEP Members, there are four relevant scales, and every post should be graded on an appropriate range within them. There are other Soulbury scales, but it is only in rare occasions that EPs would find their post being allocated a range on another scale.
AEP Guidance Document
Trainee Educational Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Facilitators and Barriers to Entry into the Profession; A Mixed Methods Investigation
Partner Publication
Guidelines for professional supervision for Educational Psychologists - BPS
Professional Supervision: Guidelines for Practice for Educational Psychologists
Partner Publication
AEP response to Government consultation on SEND Review
The AEP submitted this response to the Government Consultation on the Green Paper on SEND review in July 2022. This was after an extensive process of gathering views from across the membership via email, focus groups and DfE led webinars.
Consultation Response
pay campaign
AEP Pay Campaigning 'toolkit'
AEP Pay Campaigning 'toolkit'
This short toolkit is designed to provide easy to use resources for members to support the campaign. It contains: Background information, Suggested key messages,  Draft email/letter text, Draft social media content,
Campaign Material
Soulbury JESC 223 - Trainee Educational Psychologists
Partner Publication
Soulbury payscales 2022/23
In early June 2022, the pay and conditions of service claim was submitted by the Officers’ Side of the Soulbury Committee national negotiating body, comprising the Association of Educational Psychologists, the National Education Union and Prospect.
Pay Scales / JESCs - Soulbury & NJC
Soulbury Pay Claim 2022
Final Soulbury Pay Claim for 2022 - submitted June 2022.
The Employment of Trainee Educational Psychologists in Years 2 and 3 of their training
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